Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sci Fi Idea :: The Age of Neros (or In the Year 2222)

The Age of Neros is a Sci Fi novel about artifical intelgence and the battle for transition from human to machine dominance.  3D printing and the first real intelgent and eventually consciuos non-biological systems give rise to a terrible sort of human being.  the teenage male.  as nero's own childhood history shows the teenage male is the most capiable of evil and therefore destruction among the species human.  as in the 1990's and 2000's misfit males would wreck havoc over the rest of the population with high powered firearms for the stupider of the group to computer hacking the realm of young maladjusted males with high IQs.  in the year 2222 the combination of the acceptance of 3D printing as the cure of the deteriorating economies of not only the Western World but of those of China, Japan and India. along with the advent of the first widely available truly intelligent and artificially conscious systems, a new super creep was born.  and there where enough of them to overwhelm any region that they emerged . At first there was the San Bernardino incident.  Where Jeremy Crandon, single-handed, took control of a major US city.  Just under 15,000 people lost there lives in the unwarranted and yet preventable sneak attack launched on Dec 25th 2201.  The battle lasted a full 30 days.  Jermey was able to take control of any automated system sent against him and turn on his enemies with the help his non-biological intelligent system (NBIS).  And in the year 2201 the police and militaries of the world where highly dependent on automated systems and where working on their own NBIS.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Portland needs a Baseball team

the could be called the Oregon Pioneers :) They could use the corny computer graphics from 'Oregon Trail' video game

when an opposing pitcher gets pulled, the score board would say, "you have died of dysentery" :) 

mind,body and spirit are willing, but the wallet is not

mind,body and spirit are willing, but the wallet is not

Monday, April 7, 2014

netflix is a steaming pile of shit

We're having trouble playing this title right now.
Please try again later or select a different title.
That won't work either BECAUSE WE SUCK!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

swonden and copyright law

yeah swonden wikileaks and copyright law

is it ok to violate copyright law if you are a whistle blower?

who owns the copyright of material leaked by snowden?
Can I file a freedom of information act claim for all of
swonden's disclosed material?