I'd like to request you alter/take down a previous blog post that contains my name. I do not know who you are, or why you would connect my name and reference it with Hitler or Bitch. Though I'm not the only Jane Westmiller in the world, I do not want people seeing that as the first thing to pop up when googling my name for business... I understand free speech, but it is rude and senseless. I hope you can respect my request.
I'd like to request you alter/take down a previous blog post that contains my name. I do not know who you are, or why you would connect my name and reference it with Hitler or Bitch. Though I'm not the only Jane Westmiller in the world, I do not want people seeing that as the first thing to pop up when googling my name for business... I understand free speech, but it is rude and senseless. I hope you can respect my request.